Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Beat you!

At the suggestion of a far-away friend, I thought I'd drop a few lines to my cyber-friends and family. Upon close inspection, those that keep up with such things might find that my brother Andy's blog has fallen into a state of cobwebs. Though I really don't have much to say, it was brought to my attention that now would be a great time to prove to friends and family that I CAN in fact keep up with him from time to time. Thanks for the idea, Andrew, and thanks for the slacking, Andy.

Since I'm here, I might as well post a bit more. As most of you know, I got to spend almost an entire week with Mr. Cooper last week. We had a wonderful time visiting with grands and great-grands!! Cooper and I really enjoyed our naptimes together. It's amazing how the little guy is really growing up so fast. He's now imitating any action or word that strikes his fancy. While a bit scary, we've found endless amusement in his antics!! It's definitely reached the point that it's critical that we be mindful of what we say and do around him!

A huge thanks to all of those involved in planning and preparing our Thanksgiving feast. Indeed we DID have enough food left over to feed pilgrims and native Americans, but at least we didn't have to worry about anyone going hungry!

For the moment, work is going pretty smoothly. Our center is in the process of getting new carpet and ceiling tiles this week, so we've had a bit of chaos, but it's actually gone really well. The kids are all very very excited about impending Christmas festivities, so we're really starting to gear up.

I think that's about all I have for now. Hope everyone is having a good week!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Laissez les bon "news" roullez!

(That would be...Let the good NEWS roll!)
I promised forthcoming good news, and I'm here to deliver. I have three good newses to report today!

1. Due to some tricksy scheduling, I've managed to secure the entire next week off work!! I don't work Mondays anyway, and we're closed Thursday and Friday, so I bargained that those other two days were meaningless, and I shouldn't work them! They went for it. Now for all of you loyal readers, my work schedule really doesn't mean much. However, since catching so much flack about not coming home for Halloween, I've opted to spend my full week vacation in Mayfield! I'm sure there are a couple people that will nod and smile at that thought, but here's the kicker....I'm bringing Cooper home with me!!! NOW I hear the applause out there! Great on the look-out, because here we come. George (Dad) is supposedly picking us up sometime tomorrow (Monday), and we'll be heading back home (weather pending). We're planning to make visits at both sets of Grand's houses on Monday/Tuesday if possible. Mim will be off work on Wednesday, so we're hoping to get some shopping, cooking, and napping taken care of then. Wow, that's a lot for only being on Good News #1!!

2. More good news! For those who can't wait to see him, new Cooper pics are now posted!

3. The final good news! (For those that come here only to hear about adventures with Cooper, you can stop reading now. This one is about me.)
I'm getting a promotion! I don't know a lot of details just yet, but things should be final in the next week or so. Basically, here's what's going on. The director of my center (Brandi, who you just saw in some of those pictures) has resigned her position to be a stay-at-home-Mom (to Daulton, who you also just saw in those pictures!) Congrats to Brandi!! I know it's been something she's been wanting since before he was born. On to the story at hand... Since Brandi's position will be vacant, the current Manager, Stacy, will be stepping up to take over Brandi's responsibilities. Stacy will still carry on with most of her original responsibilities as well, but that will still leave a vacancy in the office staff. The primary need for the office staff (since Stacy will essentially be doing two jobs) is just to have someone in charge to be at the center once Stacy goes home. Apparently I'm going to be that person. I'm sure I will receive some further responsibilities than "just being there", but we don't have those all figured out yet. The basic change for me (subject to change) is that after the new year, I'll be working Mon-Fri (no more Cooper days. :-( ) 10:30-7. I'm a night owl, so the hours don't really bother me, but I'll certainly miss those three day weekends. Anyway, I'll be spending half the day as an "itinerate teacher" going from class to class and doing mini-lessons and story-times, and half the day in the office. This will include a moderate pay raise, which I'm quite excited about, but it won't be as much as if I were actually taking over Stacy's job, which I would have preferred. a corporate re-shuffle to try to save money, I lose that opportunity. I think this will really be a good move for me, as I'm seeing myself get more and more burned out by the classroom. I've been looking for that bit of experience outside the classroom which could eventually open more doors for me, and I hope that this will be it.

I think that's all my news for now. I'm off to do laundry and start packing up for the wild ride with Cooper and Pop tomorrow! See most of you Mayfield readers soon!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Hi all! I thought I'd just post a little teaser to say YES, I'm still here. NO, I'm still not posting to my blog. Hahahahaha!!!!

Hopefully I'll have some really good news to post in the next day or two. If not, I'll find something happy to post either way.

(Did I hear a request for Cooper pictures somewhere?)

Monday, November 07, 2005


This site has been officially hacked! Due to lack of use, this blog has been taken over by a ranting band of internet pirates!

Since Lori didn't feel the need to update here any more, we thought we'd come in and at least clear out a few of the cobwebs.

Today, Lori and Cooper went to the park and played on the swings and slid down the slides. They played in large piles of leaves, and got extremely dirty. Most of this dirt was re-deposited in Cooper's house.

Someday soon, perhaps Cooper can go help Lori rake the leaves in her yard, since the neighbors are starting to give her dirty looks. While he's there, perhaps he can persuade Lori to put more pictures of him up on her blog here. He misses the pictures and the stories, those were fun!

Please feel free to post LOTS of comments here! We know Lori would just love to hear from you!

Shiver Me Timbers,

Captain Conundrum