Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rough Patch

We all have our ups and downs. Yesterday, Lila vomited right after I dropped her off at school.

We came home, where she was quite fine the rest of the day, and reveled in the free-for-all I allowed her with the iPad. Wednesday's lesson: Biology

We headed back to school today, and within an hour, I received another call from her teacher. This time, Lila was running on the playground with her hands in her coat pockets. (Lila LOVES pockets.) She tripped and fell, completely face-planting on the sidewalk. She lost some skin and bruised her ego and several teeth, buried think she'll be ok in a few days.
Thursday's lesson: Physics


Blogger Mim said...

My poor little girlie. She's had a ROUGH week. I think you may need to mail her to us or a few days. Louisville is not working out so well for her at the moment. Sure hope she's not too awfully sore today.

5:16 PM  

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