Warning! Lots of pictures...
I keep a camera in Lila's cubby at school. She spends the better part of her waking hours there, so it makes sense that there would be some good photo ops while at school. I haven't uploaded any of the school pics in a while, so I have a TON for you! YAY!! I uploaded them in backward order, so we'll start with today.
I popped in to Lila's room to find her like this! She's really into her little burp cloths lately, and loves to hold them and chew on them. That's what she was up to in her bed today when she fell asleep! She slept like this for a long time! Don't worry, CB! She was well supervised!
LJ went on her first buggy ride at school today!! I have to tell on myself on this one. I got a little choked up. I just had one of those mommy moments. For all of the years that I've worked at the center, I've seen babies taking their first buggy rides. We always get all excited and take pictures. Somehow, though, I just never thought it would be MY baby getting so big and riding in that big buggy. Doesn't she look grown up?Doesn't she look excited??
This is Lila and Jillian having some tummy time together! For the longest time they just stared at each other! I love thinking about how in a few years, these babies will be Lila's best friends in the whole world! The kids in her class will learn to walk and talk and share together. They'll celebrate birthdays together. They'll perform in Christmas programs, and even have their Pre-K Graduation together! I hope it doesn't all go too quickly, but I love that I get to be a part of their lives as they grow into big kids!
Lila was fascinated by this little aquarium toy they have. She sat there just mesmerized by it.
Funny side story on the outfit: This day was our "multicultural fair" at school. Each classroom chose a country or culture to represent and all of the big kids got passports and traveled around the center learning about each culture. Lila's class was representing China. The teachers always joke around with me about all of Lila's outfits and how I love to dress her up for everything. I have to admit that she was the only kid who actually had Seuss outfits for Seuss week. So they had to go and offer the offhand challenge... What's Lila going to wear for Multicultural Day? AHHHHH!! The pressure!!! I came home and racked my brain and ransacked Lila's closet for something silk or robe-like, and came up with nothing. I googled "China costume" for ideas. And there we had it...there was a panda costume! I remembered receiving an outfit with pandas on it in a bin of hand-me-down clothes! I ran to the basement and ransacked my bins until I found it. It's a bit big on her, but we certainly rocked out China!!
check out that big huge polka dotted booty!! I've started putting an extra insert in Lila's cloth diapers to help with some leakage issues we were having, and it just makes her bottom look huge. I loved how her dress got hiked up and showed those big polka dot tights!
We're obviously getting into some older pictures here. This is Lila with her friend Elliott and Mrs. Barbara. Elliott is the ONLY boy in her class! There aren't even any boys coming any time soon to help him out with all of these flirty girls!!
Remember those leakage issues I mentioned? We've pretty much taken care of all of the "wet" leaks, but when Lila makes a poo, she REALLY makes it count. On one such day, she blew out of her diaper, out of her outfit, and all over the exersaucer at school. The teachers called me to let me know what my child had done, so I went to help with the fallout. It was so bad I actually had to bathe Lila in the sink! Thanks to Elliott's mommy for always being over-prepared, and having some baby soap in her diaper bag that she shared! Sorry this pic is a bit PG. I don't know how to edit it!As you can see, Lila goes to the BEST daycare in the whole world. And I just happen to have the BEST job in the whole world that lets me peek in on her throughout the day and not miss out on some of these amazing moments.
Oh Lori , how lucky can you get? I am soooo happy for you to get to be there where you won't miss out on her first words, first steps, and her friends. The pics and diary are wonderful. She is growing too fast. Slow down Lila Jane. Love you Granny
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