4 Months!
Lila Jane, you are FOUR MONTHS OLD!!
Looking back...
2 months:3 Months:
You have changed SO much in the last month, Lila Jane!! You are now 13lb 10 oz and 25 inches long! That puts you in the 75th percentile for length and between 50-75th percentile for weight. Dr. Livera says that if you stay on this growth curve, you could be around 5' 6" when you grow up!!
You're really starting to eat well! While our first few tries at food were more about getting used to feeling the mushiness in your mouth, you've really started swallowing and figuring out what to do with the foods now. You've eaten rice cereal and avocado. You don't really act like you like food, but you also don't seem to mind at all that I'm poking it down your throat! Ha! You're still taking mostly breastmilk (about 5 bottles a day, with about 5-6 oz per bottle), but you rarely nurse anymore. There's not enough time in the mornings to nurse you, and we make sure your last bottle of the day is formula so that you'll sleep better through the night.
With all of that eating, one might think that you should be doing a LOT of pooing. However, you have decided that once every three days or so is plenty! After our first couple months with 12-15 poopy diapers a day, I never thought I'd see the day that you needed to poo MORE often! Dr. Livera told us to start using some glycerin suppositories to get you regulated, but every time we start to get to them out, you suddenly poop!
You've always been a very content baby, and would just be happy wherever you were. Now, though, you are SO interactive! If you're in your carseat, you want to be batting at the toys dangling from it. If you're laying on the floor, you want some toys or a mirror to look at. Even if we're holding you, you like to have a burp cloth or blanket to hold on to and chew on. You also LOVE faces. You like to "talk" to people, and even LOVE the little baby that lives in mirrors! When all else fails, you can be entertained for a looong time by playing with and chewing on your feet!
We finally started you on the medicine for your fat lip. It made Mommy REALLY nervous to put you on a blood pressure medication, but I'm already glad we did! We can see a big difference in your lip, and the lumpy hemangioma on your back is definitely smaller and softer as well. We are going to see the plastic surgeon once a week until he decides it's time to take you off the medicine. No one really knows how long that might take.
You had your first stomach bug this week, too. You woke up from a nap at school, and you spit up all over yourself. Mrs. Allison called me to tell me, and as soon as we got your clothes changed, you did it again! By the time the worst of it was over, you had puked 4-5 times and it was nothing but green bile! EW! We made a frantic call to the dr. office, and Daddy came and got you and took you in. I was really nervous that you were starting to have some side effects from your medicine, but Dr. Livera said he thought it was just a virus. Sure enough, you threw up some Pedialyte that night, and were fine by the next day. Daddy stayed home with you, and you guys had a great day while Mommy worked and worried about you.
This pic is of your in your beautiful sweater that Jude made!! Mommy made the sparkly bunny t-shirt underneath, but the sweater stole the show! You're also wearing your new shoes we got you!This is the outfit you wore to school for your big 4 month birthday!! Mrs. Megan at school got you the cute polka-dotted tights, and Mim got you the polka-dotted bow!! You looked SO cute. Too bad you had to get that awful tummy bug and spit up all down the front of it. Oh well, you very rarely (if ever!) make it home in the same outfit you went to school in! Your teachers call you the "Trendsetter" because of all of your wardrobe changes! It might also have to do with the fact that you always have a matching hat, socks, and bows to match every outfit! They laugh at me, but I LOVE playing dress-up with you!!
You are such a beautiful and happy baby! I just love you so much that sometimes I could gobble you up! Your daddy feels the same way about you! As much as I hate seeing you grow up so quickly, I'm SO proud of all you're doing, and I can't wait to see what the next month will bring!!! I love you, baby girl!!
My little LJ looks like an adorable Easter egg in her Jude sweater and bunny shirt. The sweater is unbelievably cute on her. It's hard to believe she has grown and changed this much already. I cannot WAIT for next weekend when I'll get to HOLD her again! Rest up little Lila ... your Mim is on her way!!!
What a beautiful baby girl you are Lila Jane. How I would love to get my hands on you and kiss you and tell you Granny LOVES YOU and don't you forget it. I'm sure you won't remember Granny no more than I get to see you. You have changed so much since I last saw you. You were practically a new born then. Thank you Lori for sharing the pictures and diary with us. It is the next best thing to getting to watch her grow up. Hugs to all Granny.
She's growing so much! I can't wait to see her and give her little smooches. Love you guys!
Lori...she's growing so fast, and she's such a little cutie. Love all your little outfits! Glad to hear that the medication is already working. You guys have a good week!
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