3 Months Old!
Lila Jane, you are THREE months old!! You haven't been to the doctor since your 2 month check-up, so I don't know your height and weight, but I know you're growing a LOT! I have officially retired your 0-3 month clothes. For the last couple weeks, I've been trying to get your small sized clothes on you just one more time, but yesterday you looked like you were wearing capri pants and 3/4 length sleeves. You were still as cute as a button, but Mommy felt a little bad for putting you in those itty bitty baby clothes! You take about 5 ounces in each feeding, and you eat about 5-6 times a day. I started adding 2 ounces of formula to some of your bottles last week. I make sure to give you one of these mixed bottles at bedtime, and you've slept through the night for a whole week now!! You have really adjusted well to our bedtime routine, and you're usually in bed by 8:30-8:45ish. When I put you down, you don't even cry. You just coo for a minute, then fall fast asleep until I wake you up around 7:00am to get ready for school.
At school, you're known for your fancy bottle labels that Mim made you and for all of your cute hats. The other teachers drop in every day to ask what hat you wore to school! They like to check out all of your cute outfits, too. One day you messed up the cute outfit I put you in, so they had to change you at school. I came in when they were about to put an ugly outfit on you, and I made them stop!! I ran and got you a cute fresh outfit from my purse and let you wear that instead. No ugly faded clothes for you, Missy! Ha!
What are you into? You are fascinated by your hands right now. You'll lay around happily sucking your chubby little fists for a long time! Your hands are ALWAYS moving. You are starting to grab your blankets and anything near you and hold on to it. I've been giving you a burp cloth or little taggy blanket to hold on to and play with. You LOVE when we talk to you. Your big blue eyes will lock into ours and you'll just smile and try to coo and talk back to us. You're very happy in a bouncy seat, laying on a palette on the floor, or even in your car seat. You're even starting to spend short amounts of time in your exersaucer! I couldn't believe when I put you in it that your feet actually touch the bottom! You do NOT like tummy time, though! Your teachers, Mrs. Barb and Mrs. Allison, don't like putting you on your belly because you start crying almost instantly. I try to tell them that it's good for you so to try it every day anyway, but they feel too sorry for you. They spoil you rotten!! I told them they were spoiling you TOO much because you started getting persnickety about the temperature of your bottles. I've always given you bottles that are pretty cool so that I can easily grab a bottle out of my purse and feed you anywhere. At school, though, they warm all of your bottles until they're nice and toasty! You threw a BIG HUGE fit at a restaurant last week when we tried to give you a cold bottle!! I didn't think I'd ever get you calmed down! You were crying so hard I finally took your sweater off because you were getting so worked up and hot!
We are ONLY using cloth diapers and wipes on you now, even at night. Your diaper rash has been GONE for a couple weeks now, so we're sticking with what we know works. After going through a whole list of different diaper creams and ointments, we finally settled on Aquaphor. We're keeping your bum slathered in it all the time. The only time lately that your bottom has gotten red is when Mommy forgot and ate some pineapple. It's just too acidic for your sensitive skin. I'm trying to stay away from all citrus fruits now, and really watching tomatoes as well.
I'm so proud of you and the way you're growing and changing! I love seeing your personality come through more and more each day. Your teachers laugh at you because you can be SO serious, but then you'll just start smiling and laughing at them. You love to snuggle, but you usually want to be held up on our shoulders so that you can see what's going on. I love that, because it means I can snuggle my cheek right up against yours and breathe you in. With your sensitive skin, we don't use any of the good-smelling baby lotions or soaps on you, but you still smell SO sweet to your Momma. I love you, baby girl, and I can't wait to see what the next month brings us!!
ONE month old:
TWO months old:
THREE months old:And CHECK OUT these baby blues...
(And yes, I think her lip is continuing to get a bit fatter. Our appt. is March 8 with a plastic surgeon. NERVOUS mama!!)
Happy 3 month birthday to my Lila Jane! Oh my ... those HUGE blue eyes are gorgeous. And at 3 months, you still have hair! How I wish I could snuggle my little bundle of joy. One more month, then you and I are going to become BIG buddies! I love you LJ!
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