Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Facebook Status Updates- March/April 2010

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff had a wonderful weekend filled with a well baby, friends, food, and sweet family time. Truly blessed...

February 28 at 10:07pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff is baby free for the evening!! Thanks Aunt B and Uncle A!

March 6 at 6:38pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff just put in the FIFTH load of laundry for the night. Even I am impressed.

March 8 at 10:39pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff She is SO gonna dig the St. Paddy's parade!

March 13 at 2:15pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

March 14 at 12:23pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

March 15 at 7:22pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Stuck.

March 16 at 5:26pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff It's a hat AND a bow!! Win!

March 20 at 5:16pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

March 21 at 1:24pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Rockin' out the sweater Jude made!

March 25 at 8:51am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Having a nightcap

March 26 at 8:39pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Entertained

March 27 at 11:24am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

April 1 at 6:50pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Mary, I love my tutu so much that it GREW!!

April 12 at 9:16am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

April 14 at 9:22am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff is really hoping Thunder doesn't wake the baby.

April 17 at 9:01pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Perfect day for doing absolutely nothing

April 18 at 1:30pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Sweet Potato Picnic!!

April 18 at 10:36pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff My fave peeps!

April 19 at 7:15pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff has reached a whole new level of tired. Allergies and sinus infections are sucking my will to live. Or at least to be awake.

April 20 at 10:06pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Taking the babby to the dr. Anyone want to place wagers on teething or ears?

April 21 at 12:36pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Staying home from work to rock and cuddle a baby is not an entirely bad gig.

April 22 at 9:58am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Happy 5 month Birthday, beautiful bonnetted baby!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Year in Status Updates- January- February 2010

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff There is no way you hat nay-Sayers can deny the awesome cuteness of these knit Mary Janes that Jude made her!

January 1 at 11:35am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Of all the storytimes I've done with kids over the years, none has been so fulfilling as storytime with my own child.

January 2 at 12:21pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff All dressed up for the cold!

January 5 at 12:10pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff is trapped on the couch under a sleeping baby. It's a hard knocks life.

January 6 at 9:15am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff We need suggestions for a fun place to go for a night or two next week. Nothing outdoorsy or too cold because we'll be taking the baby with us. Oh, and remember we're lazy, so none of that hiking/rock-climbing/water parky shenanigans!

January 7 at 12:33pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Tummytime AND storytime! Note huge cloth-diapered bootie.

January 7 at 3:44pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Saturday is for snuggles.

January 9 at 9:23am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Happy Morning!

January 13 at 9:16am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff This is how she's SUPPOSED to act in restaurants!

January 14 at 12:52pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Sunday Brunch. Olivia's on Goss (in the antique mall). 11am. Anyone care to join?

January 14 at 6:07pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Cloth diapering is ON. Wish us luck. And send towels. High absorbancy ones.

January 16 at 9:33am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

January 16 at 10:53am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Lovin' some big cousin time!

January 22 at 10:13am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff is celebrating Lila's 2 month birthday with pudding trifle! (Too bad she's already in bed and missing the party.)

January 23 at 10:24pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Target wears us out!

January 28 at 1:24pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Oh, dear heavens. Someone please block from my interwebs before Clay divorces me!

January 28 at 3:33pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff

January 28 at 4:38pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Hi Mim!
Love, Owlet

January 29 at 7:30pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff I'm a big kid now!

January 30 at 3:01pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff We're doing it again! Sunday brunch, tomorrow at Olivia's on Goss. 10:30. All welcome. Who's in??

February 6 at 9:01pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Best Superbowl party ever!

February 7 at 7:17pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Happy Valentine's Day!

February 10 at 7:15am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff It's quite the odd feeling to be childless for the night, but SO very appreciated. Thanks Aunt B and Uncle Andy and Cooper and Collin for babysitting!

February 13 at 6:38pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Missing my baby like crazy, but really looking forward to a nice meal out without worrying about her melting down.

February 14 at 10:22am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Clay's Valentine

February 14 at 8:55pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff would rather be home with the sick kiddo than out with the bestest of friends.

February 26 at 9:19pm

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff Hippity Hoppity, Easter's on it's way!

February 28 at 8:04am

Lori Shay Crouch Cundiff had a wonderful weekend filled with a well baby, friends, food, and sweet family time. Truly blessed...

February 28 at 10:07pm