Not ME!!
One of my favorite bloggers hosts a weekly theme on her blog called "Not Me Monday". Today is Saturday, but I'd still like to let you in on a few things I did NOT do today. Not ME!
First of all, I certainly did NOT get up early and leave the house today to go yard-sale-ing and consignment store shopping. I am nothing like my Granny, and I would never go to someone else's house to buy their junk and bring it to my own house. Therefore, I did not come home with anything like this:You guys know me well enough to know I would NEVER buy cutesy clothes for an unborn child. Particularly NOT pink ones! We all know I'm not a fan of the pink stuff.
I would also NEVER purchase clothing for my daughter that would flaunt her Dillingham thunder-thighs. That would be rude.
Carrie Beth would never join me in spoiling Lila Jane. She obviously hates babies and would never force clothing purchases on her that would make her look girl-y and sweet the likes of which Cooper and Collin could never do. I would also never ever purchase an outfit at a yard sale merely because it has a stinkin' cute bonnet. Who would do that?? NOT me.
As you all know, I am NOT a planner, and would never start buying clothes for my child that she can not wear for AT LEAST another year. That would break every rule in my being.
I wouldn't buy things like sweet little Christmas dresses with matching overcoats for just a dollar, either. How could anyone be thinking of Christmas in JULY??
And, as you all know, I hate dresses. I despised wearing them as a child, and I would never make my own child wear such an attrocious thing.ESPECIALLY not if it also showed off her thunder-thighs.
I think it would be pretty dumb to buy something as frivolous as a swimsuit for an infant. Especially one that didn't even have a top for a little girl! I know I for one would NEVER want to see my baby's fat Buddha belly hanging over her swimsuit bottom in the pool. Gross.
I'm so glad you all understand why I would NEVER do any of these things. (and neither would Carrie Beth!!) It's very sad that poor Lila Jane will be so pitiful with nothing to wear, but we'll love her just the same.
What did you NOT do today?