The Big Reveal!
Wanna know where we went?? We went here!Ok, so that's a little difficult to see. Here are a couple more clues:
Give up? We went to Indianapolis!! I've been wanting to go for some time now, and we finally made it! First stop: The Children's Museum! The dinosaurs were escaping their exhibit! Very scary...
Louisville is big on glass blowing, but I think Indy has us beat with this one. I think there were something like 3200 or 18,000 pieces of glass made up this display. (Clay and I aren't good with remembering details.)
You could even go into the lower level of the museum and see all of the underneath of the sculpture!!
We almost got eaten by this runaway Polar Bear. Very Dangerous.
And the sharks almost got us, too!
I was highly amused by all of the miniatures. They were amazing!
And Clay was highly amused by the entire comic book exhibit. I failed to get a picture, but they actually had MY WonderWoman Underoos ON EXHIBIT. They looked much the same as when I was about 3-4 years old. Oh, the fun of Underoos. (Ok, they weren't techically my very pair of Underoos, but they may as well have been.)
When we got back into town Sunday evening, I surprised Clay with this mini replica of the cake we served at our reception here in Louisville. It's just as tasty as the one we had last year, and we didn't have to deal with dried up cake and freezer burn.
Obviously, a good time was had by all. Thanks so much for all of the well-wishes, cards, and gifts. The first year has certainly been a good one!!!