I'm having another big camera clean-off! These are just the recent ones from my little camera! I decided I best get moving on these if I want to be caught up before Lila's big TEN month birthday!! (That's 5/6 year, Doug.)
So, as you can see above, I finally transitioned Lila to her "big girl" car seat! She was really busting out of the last one, and was getting very close to it's limits on both height and weight, so I figured it was time to make the move. It broke my heart to see that BIG big kid carseat in my car!! Where did my baby go??
These next pics are classic school shots. The kids were studying the farm, so they played in chocolate pudding "mud" and orange jello "haystacks". I think it was quite educational, don't you?This is one of those pics that I think we'll look back on and laugh SO hard in a few years. All of the kids were lined up at the little short wall in the room having melt-downs. And, as usual, there was Lila right in the middle of it all, happy as a clam. She cracks me up! Her friends here are Meghan, Vera Kate (in rear), Lila, Molly, and Elliott.
The Cundiff clan really enjoys hanging on the front porch after dinner. Those last few minutes before bed are often Lila's fussiest, as she's starting to get SO tired. The swing always works it's magic and gets us through to bathtime. This night, I took Lila in for her bath, then brought her back out to Clay for story time. Is there anything cuter than a jammied baby on the front porch for story time??
You might be seeing this little ensemble again sometime! Lila's FIRST ever school pictures were a couple weeks ago, and you KNOW we had to go all out glam for her first pictures! I do have to admit, she was the only kid that showed up for school pics with a tutu and outfit changes! Ha! The photographer was VERY nice about it.
Ok, I have no idea what this picture was about. But I love the outfit, so I'll post it anyway!
Lila's not the fan of naptime. She's really afraid she's going to miss something. In this pic, she was fighting sleep and standing in her crib fussing while she waited her turn for a teacher to come pat her back. The pitiful fussing was kinda cracking me up, so I grabbed the camera. I NEVER get cry pictures of her, so I thought this might be my chance. No such luck. She saw the camera and started cheesing!
Another nap procrastination tool... the face smoosh!! She does this all the time, and it cracks me UP! It took me days to finally get a pic of her doing it, but it was worth it!
As you might have notices, I'm really digging finding all of these little vintage dresses for LJ. This one in particular just melts my soul. You can't really even see the hand embroidered kitten on the front! The dress is two pieces, with the gingham and white parts separate, and cost me a grand total of fifty cents at a yard sale. SCORE!
This was another of my fifty cent yardsale finds. I love the smocking!
I don't even know what to call this outfit! It fits Lila to a T, though! The skirt is almost like a thin tutu, and the tights are made with the shoes knit right in! I love this girl for letting me play dress-up!!
No picture to prove it, but Lila finally clapped for the first time tonight! I've been working with her on it forever, and I was SO glad she finally did it!! I've really been working on some sign language with her, too, and I'm so anxious to see if she actually picks up any of it before she starts saying the words! LOL
Have a good night, and check back soon for more camera clean-up and the big 10 month post!
Wooo Hooo! I love these photo jackpots! Bring on the next batch!
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