Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Few Things

1. Six is not a few. Six is many. Six is the number of teeth in my daughter's mouth as of today, we think.

2. I went to the grocery tonight to get some ingredients for Lila's (gulp) EIGHT month Birthday treat for school. While there, I found a life-changing product. I know you guys are going to have to read this twice because you'll be in just as much disbelief as I. Puffs Vick's scented tissues are back, ya'll. And I am not even kidding. I've waited for this day for years, and never really thought it would come.

3. Our vacation was fantastic. Apparently Lila's was, too. THANK YOU to Mim and Pop for keeping LJ, and also a HUGE thank you to all of the aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends who helped watch her, transport her, entertain her, and most of her! We couldn't have done it without you all!!!

4. I apologize for no pictures on this post. My evening was taken up by great calamity in the kitchen resulting in stickiness and full trash cans and dishwashers. Pictures this weekend. Promise.

5. Facebook is broken on my iPhone. I can read fine, and I can send photos, but not status updates. Knowing that I can't fill you in on my life one short paragraph at a time makes me suddenly be able to think about nothing but what I would say if I could say it. I know this makes no sense. I'm ok with it.

6. I have to stop here. Because the title is a FEW things, and as mentioned in item #1, six is definitely MORE than a FEW things.


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