And she's OFF!
Miss Lila has been a busy girl lately! On Thursday, I was in her room at school talking to her teachers when I saw her make her first official scoots toward freedom. She scooty-scooted in an actual crawl and made it about a foot. Friday at school she did a bit more creeping around. Saturday, I expected to see her make great strides on her locomotion, but unfortunately, she came down with a yucky fever bug. She was NOT herself all weekend, with a temp going up as high as 101.6. She wouldn't eat or sleep very well, and didn't want me out of her sight. Even when I was in her sight, though, she still just wasn't content. Sunday she really wasn't any better, though her fever had dropped down to about 99.6. By Monday, I was EXHAUSTED, and so ready to go back to work!! I told Clay that I really do NOT know how stay at home moms do it, ESPECIALLY if they have cranky babies. I think God is just trying to give me a tiny taste of what my own mom went through my ENTIRE childhood!! Sorry, Mom....I didn't mean to be such a baby pest!
Anyway, Lila did much better at school on Monday, and even broke out with a few tiny bumps that I'm assuming are the tell-tale signs that her fever was due to Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, a common childhood illness characterized by a low-grade fever followed by blisters on the hands, feet, mouth, and bottom. Fun times. So Monday I was in the classroom next door to Lila when I heard her teacher calling me. I ran over and peeked into Lila's room in time to see her STANDING in her crib. She pulled up on her own! I couldn't believe it. I knew she'd been really trying, but I really thought we had a couple more weeks before she mastered that trick. No such luck. I emailed Clay, and he had the exact same response as I did... "OH NO! We have to lower the crib mattress again!" We got that taken care of last night!
Today (Tuesday), Lila has been pretty much back to herself. She's crawling like a mad-woman, and pulls up immediately any time you put her in her crib. She's still exploring and figuring out what else she can pull up on at school and at home. She has to have things at just the right height to be able to pull up.
I'm so proud of her, and yet also traumatized!! She can now just roam around at will! How did this happen? I didn't sign on for a MOBILE child! I signed up for a BABY! Where has that baby gone?
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