1/2 Year!
0 months:1 month:
2 months:3 months:
4 months:5 months:
6 months:Lila Jane! You are SIX months old! You've been with us for HALF A YEAR!! This has definitely been the fastest half-year of my life! You have done SO much this month!
Mother's Day weekend you sprouted your FIRST TOOTH! Within a few days, your second one popped in right beside it. They are your bottom middle teeth.
You've also started sitting up unassisted! You still topple over pretty easily, but you can sit for a few minutes all by yourself, and for a good long time with a boppy pillow behind you! You love the new freedom this gives you to reach , grab, and play.
You are one of the most easy-going babies I've ever been around. You fuss sometimes, but you rarely ever really cry. You've gotten yourself on to a pretty good schedule. Generally, you wake up around 7:30-8am, get changed and dressed, then have your first bottle. You play for a while, then are ready for a nap around 9:30 or 10. You wake up happy and ready to play some more, then take another bottle around noon. More play, then afternoon nap sometime mid-afternoonish. You take another bottle around 4, then you're set til we get home from school. You sometimes fall asleep on the way home, but you're always ready to play and eat dinner when we get home. That's when the real sleepies start to catch up with you, and you often have to have a little nap around 7:30-8 to get you to bedtime. At 8, we do the bath, books, bottle, and bed routine, getting you down around 8:30-8:45. You'll start in the BIG kid room at school next week, so we'll see how that changes your schedule.
You've been eating LOTS of new foods! Daddy and I give you anything and everything we think you can swallow. You've had pizza crust, toast, Indian soup and naan, banana pudding, all kinds of fruits, fried rice, french fries, pasta, roast beef, mashed potatoes, and more! You aren't very keen on those little jars of baby food anymore! I want to expose you to as many different spices, seasonings, textures, and flavors as I can before you get old enough to start thinking there might be things you aren't supposed to like!
You've had your first major bout of allergies this week. You're very snotty with two cases of pink eye and lots of coughing and hacking. A couple times you've gotten so choked up that you spit up entire bottles. That's a yucky mess!! We've been giving you Benadryl, but it doesn't really seem to be helping much. We go back to the doctor tomorrow for your 6 month well-check, so we'll find out if there's anything else we can do for you then.
We're officially weaning you off of your Propranolol you've been taking for the hemangioma in your lip. Dr. O'Daniel, the plastic surgeon, is VERY impressed with how good it looks, and is ready to see if it will stay small without the medicine. It's MUCH smaller than it originally was, but there is still some noticeable swelling there. The important part, though, is that the swelling has gone down enough that it is no longer affecting the upper white part of your lip. He says that's the hardest to surgically fix without leaving scars. With the swelling only in the pink lip part, he says that even if we need to go in later for some surgery, it will be a very simple outpatient procedure that will leave no scarring at all. Mommy still really hopes we won't have to do that, but we'll do whatever we need to do! We'll wait a year or two to make any decisions on that.
Daddy and I really thought you were going to put a big kink in our social lives. We wondered how we would do eating at home every night, staying home on weekends, missing our friends. We shouldn't have worried about ANY of that! You are such a good baby, you just go along with us wherever we go. You actually seem much more content when we get out and about than when we stay at home. We can easily take you to restaurants, too. We just pack you some food and a few toys, and you play and talk and charm everyone around you. We are pretty sure you're the best baby EVER, and we are absolutely certain we are the luckiest parents EVER!! We love you to the moon and back, Lila Jane!
LOVED this post and all the new pictures. It's amazing to see how much Lila has grown from month to month. By next month, you may have to turn her lengthwise in the bed! She really is such a happy, contented baby. I hope her allergies get better very soon! Happy 1/2 birthday Lila Jane!!
What a beautiful and precious baby girl you have there mommy & daddy and oh how fast she is growing. You are really so fortunate to have such a good baby. It doesn't seem possible for her to be 1/2 year old already and I didn't know she has two teeth already. What a lucky Granny I am to have so many beautiful, good, and precious babies. Thanks to all my grandchildren for making our life so wonderful and complete. Granny
Happy 1/2 Birthday, LJ! I love you so very much! So happy you came into your mommy and daddy's lives (and mine too)!!
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