Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ye Olde Candy Kitchen

I've officially done it. After MANY years of begging Grandmama to make me a batch of Divinity every Christmas, I've finally stepped (WAY) out on a limb and made my own. Divinity is a really tough candy to make, as it involves these scary things such as "soft ball stage" and "hard ball stage that cracks". I cheated and used a candy thermometer to take some of the iffiness out of those foreign terms. The sticky white vanilla goodness is currently cooling on a sheet of waxed paper on the kitchen table. IF they set up and turn out right, I might add a picture here. If they don't, though, I won't be able to take a picture, as I'll be busy spooning them off the waxed paper and eating them off a spoon. Or crunching them noisily. They taste good, no matter! Thanks SO much, Grandmama, for sharing this family tradition!!!

Now, off to wrap presents, deliver mail, get an oil change, tidy the house, bake cookies, ice cookies, make more marshmallows, make fudge, package and deliver treats, and nap. Nap? As if...


Blogger Mim said...

Can't wait to hear the verdict on the divinity! But no matter how it turns out, you had fun making it. And that's what it's all about ...
(Grandmama will be sooo proud of you!)

2:04 PM  

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